Raw Salted Hides Highs/Altiplano (Bo)

(Code: 001-0031)

Raw Salted Hides , Bolivian Altiplano

Extracted from the bolivian highlands, were the weather conditions give us the best characteristics on the hides, beside a good breed of european origin cattle hides gives the best Southamerican kind of Skins : free of fire brands, free of humps ( are not zebu like in the rest of bolivian geography, ) permit to find a clean grain.

Size  : there are two groups  ( 18 kg ave & 24 kg avg).

Size in blue ( 32 sqft & 42 Sqft avg).

Handly flayed , well trimmed. 

Selection : I & II.

The best hides in South America. Ideal for full grain articles.

Price : ask to us